February 1, 2023

To me, the mindset of being a continuous learner keeps my mind curious. It teaches me not to have a fixed mindset because my knowledge is always expanding. I seek to understand, not convince, and am always searching for a new perspective and solution. I believe if we put ourselves in a position of always being a student of our environment, then there is no end to our personal evolution! That being said, there is always room to grow with so many great books for business development

Therefore, I’m always good for a book recommendation. Here are 3 of my favorite books for business development. They may not be specific “how to run a business” books, but they teach the fundamental behaviors required to run successful businesses as well as business growth strategies. This is ultimately what we want when we are starting up and growing our companies.

1. Think And Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill      

This book is hands down the foundation for which all motivational and self-help books are written. While it doesn’t tell you how to run a successful business, it teaches us about the characteristics a person must embody to BE successful! Hill describes how important it is to have patience, decisiveness, and desire. He even talks about how selective we need to be when choosing who to surround ourselves with and how much we should share with others about our goals. Study this book, embody this book. It will surely change your life!

2. Fierce Conversations – Susan Scott

One of the fastest ways to destroy your business… or any relationship for that matter, is through poor communication. Poor communication can consist of a deficiency in vision sharing, unclear directions on how to implement that vision, or not taking on tough conversations. Poor communication leaves the door open for interpretation, and interpretation can have a massive impact on goals and progress. Fierce Conversations teaches us how to have those tough conversations, leaving both parties feeling heard and respected. Furthermore, it shows us how to show up with honesty, integrity, and authenticity. Wouldn’t you want to create an environment filled with powerful communication that incorporates constructive feedback? I know I would!

3. Atomic Habits – James Clear

There is a great saying by Mark Batterson that I love “Show me your HABITS and I’ll show you your FUTURE.” I love it because it’s so true. Atomic Habits addresses this exact statement! The concept of this book is that we shouldn’t try to change everything all at once. Even if our brain accepts habits in the beginning, they will often reject them later.  We should simply try to improve by 1% per day. It doesn’t seem like a lot, but like computing interest, the result is a significant change over a period of time. The book also gives you tips on how to modify and implement your habits! I love this book because as a leader, we should exemplify the type of individual that leads others. Furthermore, as leaders, we have the most on our shoulders and we have to manage all of that. Having good, productive, positive habits provides us with the foundation to handle all of that responsibility.

I am always open to new book suggestions because I love to learn. After having read “Think and Grow Rich” hundreds of times, I still have new revelations each time! I highly encourage you to do the same and use some of my recommended books for business development.

If you are looking for the right tools to scale your business, let’s talk!