March 1, 2023

Best Career Tools for Women

  1. Strong sense of personal self/confidence
  2. Understanding of top 3 skills/talents
  3. An online presence
  4. A business card
  5. Passion for something
  6. Mentor/coach

Strong Sense of Personal/Self Confidence

One of the biggest, if not the biggest, career tools for women all starts with confidence or the appearance of confidence. There is a statistic stating how men will apply for jobs they are only about 60% qualified for, whereas women will only apply for jobs they are 85-95% qualified for. This is one of the reasons that men tend to move up the ladder faster than women. Men have this “I’ll learn it as I go” strategy, while women think that they have to know it all to get the job. Ladies, hold your head up high and reach for what you want!!

Understanding of the Top 3 Skills/Talents

In the same vein as self-confidence, it helps to know what your talents are. Being effective in certain skills/talents falls under confidence in the three psychological needs for humans according to the self-determination theory. Are you the premier organizer? Do you have impeccable leadership skills? Are numbers your second language? Speaking of that, are you fluent in other languages? Is your special gift analysis and logic? Are you a great team player? Whatever it is, pick your top three skills, perfect how you talk about them, and have examples ready to share. This will add to your confidence so you know the value that you bring to the table.

An Online Presence

In this day and age, all candidates are researched online. This means that you need to have at least some form of an online presence. It is one of the most important things you can do for your career! Your online presence should likely begin on Linkedin as it is akin to a live resume. It is the most used professional database in the world. Additionally, your presence should be clean, clear, and as thorough as possible. Adding articles, videos and interaction will give others a more dynamic perspective of who you are and what you are capable of.

A Business Card

Some people are pro-business cards, and others think they are a dated method for sharing contacts. I believe traditional is not always bad. I like them because they are another method to make an impression. Mine are quite stylish and are another way for me to share myself and my brand. I even like the idea that they may be misplaced and refound, reminding the receiver about me once again. A study by LinkedIn found that business cards are the most used social media platform by professionals in their 20s. So, whatever your preference, just make sure they are an example of your brand, professional, and easy to read.

Passion For Something

Furthermore, to be successful, you need to be passionate about what you are trying to accomplish. Whether you have your own business or are looking to progress in your career, there has to be some basis of passion for what you do. Without this, you will constantly be seeking satisfaction. If you are passionate about what you are doing, you will feel more confident and driven during challenging times.


Hire a mentor or coach. This is important because our mind tells us we can’t do something and tries to put up roadblocks to prevent progress. A coach or mentor can keep us accountable for our progress, remind us of our capabilities, and be a great sounding board for our ideas. Also, a mentor or coach can advocate for you, help expand your network, provide opportunities for exposure and visibility, find resources for further education or training, and help practice new skills or behaviors.

There are many resources for women out there, and these are just my favorite selection of tools ALL women need in their back pocket to be successful. In reality, success starts in our minds. You have to believe you are worthy of success and put these career tools for women into practice!

Lastly, as always, I am happy to help you all on the road to success…. Whatever that looks like for you!