How SSS transforms business dreams into reality

August 12, 2024

From Idea to enterprise, how SSS transforms business dreams into reality

Let’s say we are sitting in a coffee shop and strike up a conversation about the future, a business idea pops into our heads. We begin to visualize what it would be like to run our own business; swapping ideas a possibilities back and forth across the table. Hope and imagination start to take hold and form into a REAL possibility. Could it work? Could we break the mold of day-to-day 9-5, could it work, could we replace our steady income of selling our time and talent to another person and use that same time and talent for our own benefit? Can we jump off the cliff and follow our passion?

The answer is YES ….. AND …. BUT….

The difference between an idea and a functioning enterprise is structure. More often than not a new business owner goes through months (if not years) of trial and error to find and/or create structure and organization amid the chaos that is the “birthing” of a new business concept. This chaos can waste a lot of time and heartache. I have worked with many new business launches and have launched a few of my own. It always feels like the most energy is lost in this phase and it creates the most frustration. Because of this, I created a program called Scale Smart Solution. The purpose behind the program is two-fold. First, it breaks down the “business launch” or “level-up” process into 12 bite-size sections so you know what to focus on, and when. This helps the owner simplify how many things need their brainpower at any given moment. Second, it creates structure by extracting everything from the head of the founder and putting it down into systems. 

Scale Smart Solution begins with the beginning. The foundation of any great idea, business, or enterprise is its purpose, core values, and mission. Upon this foundation rests the vision, why the business was created, and the impact it intends to leave. Over the next 11 sections, the founder(s) will focus on things like:

  • the structure of the business, including discussions of legal entities and partnerships, 
  • IT platforms that should be considered, 
  • difference between marketing, sales, and branding
  • self-management and time management
  • designing a customer experience journey
  • why knowing your business numbers is so important
  • the professions and advisors to consider having in your inner circle
  • when and how to build out your team

There are a few more that we add in there for greater efficiency and clarification, but you can clearly see why it is so valuable to have a road map like Scale Smart Solution. Starting a business is not a new concept, millions have done it before, so why do it alone? It’s hard to tame the chaos when you’re in it which is why 80% fail in the first 5 years! We literally created the solution to this problem! No matter how you decide to approach your new idea, I say go forth and CONQUER the WORLD!!