December 14, 2020

When I named my company, Partners for a Solution, I knew that coaching alone wouldn’t ensure the success of the businesses I help guide to success. This is because business owners need more than just my leadership and coaching skills to prosper. I knew owners needed the expertise of other businesses to grow. This was the seed that was planted for the collaborative environment I desired to create. An environment filled with other business owners I could trust and rely on to service my clients with the same thoughtfulness and caring that I do, that respect the delicate balance that comes with building a business. Well, ladies and gentlemen…..


It is with a happy heart that I am sharing the recent purchase of 1111 East Tennessee Street. This is more than a building but the execution of a vision, and a place for businesses to grow, collaborate, and cheer each other on. It is a place where business owners can work alongside other business owners to become the best they can, hone their craft, provide excellent service, and receive trusted referrals. This space includes offices, common areas, open working space, beautiful conference/training space, and a dedicated video conferencing/podcast room. It will of course be named, none other than “The C-Suite.”

I share all of this with you not only because I am extremely excited and proud, which I absolutely am, but because it takes a lot of gumption and courage to realize your dreams. A friend and fellow coach likes to remind me, “the dead guys” (Napoleon Hill, Jams Allen, and the like) tell us that YOUR DREAMS REQUIRE ALL OF YOU! And this, my friends, is the manifestation of years of work and planning.

Just because this year has been insane, confusing, full of fear and political upheaval, doesn’t mean you should stop moving forward and striving for your dreams. If anything, this year has taught us we are far more powerful than we ever knew possible, that challenges come with lessons, and that resilience and fortitude will get us farther than we ever expected.

So as we move into 2021, what will you manifest? What challenges are you willing to overcome? And, in what ways will you LEVEL UP? Share your goals with me and I’ll help keep you accountable!

If you happen to live or work in the Tallahassee area and are interested in one of the few office spaces I have left, or need a conference room to hold a meeting, or podcast room to record, email me at audra@partnersforasolution.com